Petrol currently available from forecourts consists of 5% ethanol (E5). The new E10 fuel will consist of 10% ethanol in an effort to reduce CO2 emissions.
It is important that you check your machine to ensure that they are able to operate using fuels that contain this higher percentage of ethanol. This may cause issues particularly for older machinery models. If you are unsure, please contact us with the make and model of your machine and we can advise you.
If you are concerned or unsure about using E10 petrol in your equipment there are alternatives that we can recommend:
You can use 'super unleaded' fuel, which typically contains the lower 5% ethanol. The government has stated that all petrol pumps are to be clearly marked following the change, so users are aware which percentage of ethanol is in the fuel they use.
Another alternative fuel widely recommended is Aspen. Aspen Alkylate fuel has a 0% ethanol content meaning emissions are reduced by up to 99%. The absence of ethanol in Aspen fuel is not only beneficial for the environment, but can also prolong the life of your machinery. You can purchase Aspen from us by visiting us in our showroom.
If you are interested in using Aspen fuels at home or for your business, please get in touch to discuss your requirements